Monday, December 10, 2007

Does their batteries ever wear out??

I got an email the other day that I wanted to share with all of you. The title of this just cracks me up! But, I have to admit that it is a question I think all of us puggle owners ask. I know I do at least! :)

We came upon our Lily, a standard puggle, last Christmas. She was a gift to our soon to be 18 year old daughter as a bribe to have her choose to attend a local college rather than sleep-away. Well, Lily, was a year in October and our daughter attends school at SUNY New Paltz.

I really love her and I consider her house trained. She is spiteful and if she cannot follow me to the laundry room, she will piddle my floor. I tried letting her out before I go to the laundry room but... well you can figure out the rest.

I still crate her when I leave for work. She doesn't seem to mind. She sees me getting ready to walk out the door and runs to her crate. I am hoping to have be able to have the run of the main area of the house by the time she is two years old. BUT that is still not my issue...

She is a bundle of energy. Almost obssessive compulsive. She gets plenty of play time with humans as well as with her canine companion, large 55 lb. mixed breed that is four years old.

Will she every calm down a bit? She passes out with exhaustion and sleeps the night but once I am up in the, out, play, rest, play, etc.

Any advice? Love my Lilypup. I could eat her up. AND I DIDN'T WANT ANOTHER DOG!!


Unfortunately for Carol, I didn't have the best of a response to her question: :)

Well, my puggle, Reece, NEVER does. He is about the same age as Lily. He does the same thing and wears me out, COMPLETELY. I have four dogs and he wears them out as well, along with the cat, and my four kids. LOL
I wish I could tell you that she will calm down soon, but I think that is just the way puggles are. They get full bursts of energy and the next thing you know they are passed out from all of their playing. I am thinking maybe once they get older, they will calm down. I think they are just like children. HONESTLY! The older they get, the calmer they will get. I am hoping.

Now, my question and I think I will put up a new survey poll is this: Do you think your puggle will calm down once older?

Go and vote on the survey poll, I will then release the results in a few!
Thanks and happy puggle hugging! :)

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