My cute bundle of joy that now lies on my lap and snores louder than my husband, looks so peaceful while he is sleeping, and loves to be loved, used to be a monster! Yes, a crazy, hyper monster! I could not even believe how fast he could run in circles, jump up on the couch, and run all through the house like something just bit him in the behind! I literally wondered what I got myself and my family of six plus three dogs into!
My Story:
My husband decided he wanted a hunting dog. So, I made it happen. I called around and found the perfect Beagle. So, we got in the van, drove to the place where our Beagle was, paid for her, with the intentions of bringing home our new hunting dog – and ended up with two dogs!
There Reece was staring out of that cage. I just couldn’t leave him. He was so cute and so sad looking. So, there we were on our way home, with our hunting dog, Daisy and our new puggle, Reece. Daisy was the calmest, sweetest dog. She was very reserved, at first, but with four kids under the age of nine, she was bound to warm up. Now, Reece had no problem at all warming up. He was like a tornado, right there in my living room!
I thought that after a few days, he would get used to our house and settle down. After all, I have three other dogs, and they are all pretty calm and actually rather lazy. I just was not used to this tornado!
Not only was he a spaz, he also liked to eat out of the garbage, poop in my living room and literally steal my food right off of my plate. Boy, he was amazingly sneaky about that. Anytime anyone came in through that door, he was on them and biting at them. Of course, he was only playing, but those claws and teeth do hurt, no matter how much he is playing! Although these things are rather annoying, nothing compares to the fact that he was always sneaking out the front door, and he would run and run- right into the street. One day, he ran right out the door along with Daisy, and didn’t come back. I was so heartbroken.
Boy, although he could be annoying, he sure had a presence in our home, and I missed them both so much. Luckily, a truck driver found them on the highway, and turned them in. I was so extremely blessed that day. God was looking out for them and my family. It was amazing they did not get hit crossing that highway.
Once I got my babies back, I was determined to find a way to control Reece. It was now crucial that I find a way to contain him, for his own safety, and for my own heart.
So, I got online and tried to find information on how to train a puggle. There were so many things to choose from, but it was imperative that I find a training program that I could do at home, and that could tailor to my dog specifically.
Finally, I found an e-book called SitStayFetch. I was skeptical at first, because it said something about dog whispering. But, that is what caught my eye to begin with. I had tried everything, and being in a family of six with four dogs, I needed some control without any more screaming than was needed! Learning the dog whispering technique has truly made a difference in my household. And best of all, the techniques I learned in this e-book changed my house from crazy to calm. One thing that I did not realize is how important it was to show Reece who is boss. And, he was able to learn this by a couple simple techniques, like making him sit before he could have his food. I learned a lot of dog behaviors that I never even realized, and learned to look Reece right in the eye.
The best thing I learned was how to train him not to run out that front door, and how to stop him from jumping and lovingly bite people who walk through that door!
Because I took the time to learn how to connect with Reece, our lives are much calmer, and I can enjoy my time with Reece, rather than frustrated! He is so much fun, and such a joy to be around. I am so glad I came upon this e-book, SitStayFetch.
Please take time to help your puggle become the best friend he can be. They cannot do it on their own. They need guidance and love. It is your responsibility. And with a little time and effort, your little monster could turn into the sweetest, loving member of your family.
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