Monday, February 11, 2008

Thanks to a man who saved my Beagle and Puggle on the highway!

After reading the news story about the stolen Puggle and some comments from my readers, I remembered an incident that I forgot to share with all of you. Actually, I can’t believe I didn’t share it with you back when it happened. It all happened one evening back in the fall of last year. I had let Reece, my puggle, and Daisy, my beagle, out to go “potty” in the backyard, keep in mind I have a pretty decent size yard and a privacy fence. When I went to let them back in, to my surprise, they were both missing. I about had a heart attack!

I drove all over the neighborhood looking for them and could not find them anywhere. I live on a dead-end street and off of a very busy road. At the end of my road, there is a fence with holes in it that lead to a highway. So not only did I drive around the neighborhood looking for my puggle and beagle, but also drove on the highway to see if they had gotten through the holes. Nothing! I came home empty handed as well as empty hearted.

My house that night was so different. Although I have four kids and two other dogs, two of my babies were missing and I felt like my life had come to a complete stop! For those of you who know, puggles are very excited dogs and Reece was always adding excitement to the house by running crazy and constantly jumping up on me as well as others. He also loves to play with Daisy.

My husband kept telling me that they could possibly be running around and show up on the front step in the morning. Well, morning came and went, and my babies were not on the front step. Then, my husband gave me the idea to call the local pound to see if maybe they got picked up. Sure enough, when I called they stated that they had a Puggle and a Beagle dropped off last night. I was so excited and so relieved. The operator said that some man was driving a semi on the highway and noticed my two dogs roaming together. He told the pound that he knew that they had to belong to someone because they were roaming together and had collars. (Unfortunately, collars with no name tags) What I found out that day was that God was watching over my babies and that there was compassion in the world, even on the highway! :)

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